
Dynamical Stability on a Two-Species Micro-Macro Model for Wormlike Micellar Solutions


张腾飞 副教授(中国地质大学(武汉))



yl23455永利官网东北楼四楼报告厅 (404)


I will talk about a new two-species micro-macro coupled system modeling wormlike micellar solutions (living polymers), which is derived recently by using the Energetic Variational Approach. The novelty is to couple the (general) Law of Mass Action obeyed by the chemical reaction process of polymer breaking/reforming to other mechanisms, which is different from the common linear response theory in a non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory. We then focus on the dynamic stability analysis on the derived model, precisely, we study the global existence of classical solutions near equilibrium, indicating the consistent state between the detailed balance conditions in chemical reaction and the global equilibrium state of each species. This is a joint work with Prof. Chun Liu and Dr. Yiwei Wang.